Not only is steel affordable, readily available and safer, its intrinsic properties, such as strength, versatility, durability and 100% recyclability allow for improved environmental performance across the entire life cycle of buildings.

The advanced high-strength steels used in steel-plate applications also find uses in a number of related industries. Offshore oil rigs, bridges, civil engineering and construction machines, rail carriages, tanks and pressure vessels, nuclear, thermal and hydroelectric plants – all these applications benefit from the attributes of modern steels.


Various types of structure systems are applied for having higher and safer buildings. To make these structure systems become much more efficient, main structures of a building adapt its built-up H-shaped steel and steel pipes using steel material with strength and durability against earthquake. And the building has seismic design that has the ability to be deformed, reproducibility of collapse mechanism and weldability. Huaping’s steel for architectural structure has yield point and yield ratio that meet seismic design regulations, and is supplied as steel plates and hot rolled steels


It is the major finishing material determining the interior and exterior of a building by using steel with various patterns and colors, and the panel that provides a safe and sound environment through insulation and fire resistance securement. This steel features a lower vulnerability to rust under the atmospheric influence and a good resistance to corrosion. The internal and external steels are less rusty and corrosion resistant in the atmosphere than the general steels, and weather resistance steels, PosMAC or stainless steels are applied.


It is the civil structure that streams, valleys or narrow strait, and have recently been constructed as the distance between the towers increases. To ensure bridge safety, various components such as cables, tower, and bridge deck are applied with improved strength, toughness, and weldability. Huaping supplies high-performance steel for bridge cable, weather resistance steel, and steel for structure optimized for bridge construction.