Whether it is the stainless steel refrigerator in your kitchen or the steel motor inside it that is quieter and more efficient, or the washing machine for which you received an Energy Star tax credit, appliances and steel make life easier. And Huaping steel makers offer a vast array of innovative products, particularly used in appliances, which are corrosive-resistant.

The steel industry has worked to create pre-painted steels to reduce the overall cost to the appliance manufacturer—and consumers. And to keep steel “hip,” the industry has developed textured steels to give certain appliances an enhanced image. On the average, 75 percent of the weight of a typical household appliance is steel, of which 25 percentage points of this comes from recycled steel.


With smart devices expanding its presence greatly among home appliances, the designs are no longer monolithic with white and have started to diversify. In particular, premium and stylish looking metal with colorful and geometric patterns are gaining in popularity. To be in line with these trends, Huaping offers a wide range of cold rolled steel, galvanized steel and electrical galvanized steel that provide good resistance to corrosion and allow for diverse surface treatment. To help home appliances meet their energy efficiency requirements, we offer electrical steel sheets featuring low loss of power.


Among the most desired products are kitchen electrics with the retro stainless steel look. Equally popular are high-end professional style models. There is a growing trend towards the use of cordless electrics in the kitchen. These appliances allow multiple cooks to use the product without being tied to a specific work space near electrical outlets. Also, since many kitchens have small electrics on display, consumers are attracted to the “family look” that manufacturers use throughout their product lines. High on trendy list are: bread makers, rice cookers, sandwich makers, coffee grinders/mills and espresso/cappuccino makers.